Top Crypto-Friendly Countries in 2024

Discover the Best Nations for Cryptocurrency Innovation and Investment

The growth of cryptocurrencies heavily relies on the regulations set by each region. For digital assets to thrive, we need clear laws, compliance, attractive environments for businesses, easy operations, and support for innovation. Understanding regional laws is crucial, and the rise of cryptocurrencies is bolstered by clear tax rules and government support.

What Makes a Country Crypto-Friendly?

A country is deemed crypto-friendly if there are:

  • Clear cryptocurrency regulations, ensuring legal clarity and protecting investors.
  • Favorable tax laws often treat cryptocurrencies as assets subject to capital gains taxes or exempt them from income tax.
  • A robust infrastructure for crypto transactions with numerous Bitcoin ATMs and service providers.
  • Support for individual crypto innovation, enabling exploration of new technologies.
  • An open-minded attitude towards cryptocurrencies allows businesses to operate freely and promotes innovation.
  • Strong technological infrastructure, including blockchain technology and supportive startup communities.
  • Government support and initiatives to promote blockchain innovation and attract businesses.
  • A growing cryptocurrency market and high adoption among the population.

Here’s a list of countries that are particularly friendly towards cryptocurrencies, offering simpler laws and lower taxes. Let’s dive into the details!

Which Countries Are Crypto Friendly?


Besides its golden beaches and Mediterranean climate, Portugal is also renowned for its crypto-friendliness.

Crypto transactions are tax-free in Portugal. Yes, you read that right! For individual investors, profits from buying and selling cryptocurrency are tax-free, provided they are not the main source of income and the tokens have been held for more than 365 days. However, companies providing crypto services are still taxed on capital gains (currently between 28% and 35%)​​​​.

Portugal hosts many international crypto events, such as Nearcon23 and the Web Summit, further cementing its position as a crypto hub.


Malta, known as the “blockchain island,” is a true crypto tax haven. Malta recognizes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a unit of account, medium of exchange, or store of value. This means that there is no Capital Gains Tax on long-term gains from selling crypto, provided it is considered a store of value​​.

Crypto trades in Malta are viewed similarly to day trading stocks or shares, attracting the Business Income Tax rate of 35%. However, with structuring options within the Maltese tax system, this rate can be reduced to between 0% and 5%, depending on earnings and residency​​​​.

Malta offers regulatory advantages like legal clarity, innovative development, investor protection schemes, and international recognition, making it a safe environment for crypto trading in 2024.


Singapore is a leading Asian fintech hub and a hotspot for crypto. It has a supportive framework for regulating cryptocurrency in 2024.

Under the Payment Services Act, crypto is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Crypto profits made by individuals are not taxed unless derived from trading activities. Singapore has no capital gains tax on trading profits, making it an attractive destination for investors who want to avoid hefty taxes​​​​.

With a well-established crypto infrastructure and robust legal framework, Singapore continues to be a favorable environment for virtual currency.


The Swiss city of Zug, known as Crypto Valley, hosts many renowned crypto firms like the Ethereum Foundation. Switzerland offers a very favorable regulatory scenario for crypto.

For individual investors, any crypto income or capital gains are completely tax-free. However, if someone is trading or mining crypto professionally, they might be subjected to a slight wealth tax ranging from 0.5% to 0.8%. This tax applies to all assets, not just crypto​​​​.

Switzerland’s progressive stance on crypto regulation makes it an excellent option for those looking to maximize their investments.

El Salvador

El Salvador tops the list of crypto-friendly countries in 2024. It was the first country to classify Bitcoin as a legal tender.

El Salvador’s Bitcoin-friendly president, Nayib Bukele, secured another five-year term according to recent exit polls. In 2021, El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, introduced a crypto wallet called Chivo, and started buying Bitcoin as an investment​​.


Slovenia has embraced crypto enthusiastically. The well-defined regulations provide the confidence needed to work with digital assets, and the government encourages the transition to blockchain technology.

Slovenia has the highest market cap in crypto per capita, reflecting a high success rate for blockchain startups. The country has no capital gains tax and no mining VAT, with only a minor 25% income tax applicable if one mines crypto​​.


Canada is a global leader in blockchain and crypto technology, with a well-defined regulatory system that balances investor protection and innovation.

Crypto is taxed on capital gains in Canada, as the country views them as commodities rather than legal money. This enables both individuals and companies to estimate their tax liabilities based on gains or losses from Bitcoin investments​​.

Canada also has clear standards and reporting requirements for taxpayers engaging in crypto activities in 2024.


Germany has a unique approach to crypto, recognizing it as private money rather than an asset.

Long-term investors benefit from no long-term capital gains tax. Germany is home to several blockchain companies and was an early adopter of crypto payments. Since 2013, Bitcoin has been recognized as a legal form of payment. If the currency is held for a year, the crypto profits are not subject to taxes​​​​.

Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands is a crypto tax haven where both crypto businesses and individual investors are exempt from taxes.

There are no restrictions or licensing needs for owning, holding, or trading cryptocurrency. The country’s progressive approach means there is no legislation on crypto trading and no tax laws targeting it​​.


Georgia is one of the best places for trading virtual currencies, being a tax-free nation. The Georgian Ministry of Finance exempts individuals from any income tax on profits from selling crypto.

Georgia does not recognize crypto as “Georgia-sourced,” so it is not subject to Capital Gains Tax. The local cryptocurrency sector is supervised and regulated by the National Bank of Georgia​​.

Owning and trading cryptocurrencies in Georgia is legal, and individuals benefit from a 0% income tax rate on trading crypto. Legal entities engaged in mining and trading cryptos are only subject to a 15% CIT and a 5% dividend tax if distribution occurs. Undistributed and reinvested profits are tax-free.


As time progresses, more countries are adopting crypto-friendly regulations and creating safe spaces for digital assets. By 2024, numerous countries have realized the potential of cryptocurrencies, making significant strides from where we started. From a handful of pioneers to a growing list of supportive nations, the crypto landscape continues to evolve.

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Want to learn more about the basics?

Bitcoin is often hailed as the pioneer of decentralised digital currency that operates outside the conventional financial system. Unlike traditional currencies controlled by central authorities like governments or banks, Bitcoin functions on a peer-to-peer network facilitated by blockchain technology.

Blockchain, the backbone of Bitcoin, ensures security, transparency, and immutability by recording all transactions across a network of computers. Each transaction undergoes verification by network nodes through cryptography and gets documented in a publicly distributed ledger known as a blockchain.

Our comprehensive guide, “What is Ethereum? and What is Solana?” provides invaluable insights for those looking to grasp the fundamentals of Bitcoin or Blockchain.

At the heart of Bitcoin’s proof of work operation is the process of mining. Far from the traditional image of miners with pickaxes, Bitcoin mining involves sophisticated hardware and complex cryptographic puzzles.

Miners are pivotal in confirming transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain. Miners validate transactions and secure the network by dedicating computational power to solving cryptographic puzzles. In return, they’re rewarded with newly minted bitcoins and transaction fees from the blocks they’ve validated.

This incentivisation mechanism not only ensures the network’s decentralisation and security but also controls the supply of new bitcoins, aligning with the digital currency’s deflationary design. If you want to learn more about how mining works, take a look at our ‘What is Proof of Stake?‘ article.

Coach Mason

Discovering cryptocurrency's potential for global equality in 2014, Coach Mason delved deep into the transformative tech. Frequently sought for crypto wisdom, he realized the value of sharing collective insights. Away from screens and blockchain buzz, he finds balance skateboarding, playing ice hockey, and on the yoga mat, effortlessly blending tech, traction, and tranquility.